Watch This! Jean Charest Shows His True Liberal Colors

Watch This! Jean Charest 

Shows His True Liberal Colors

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The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! You know, for all the Canadian Conservative Party stands for, I really don't think communism, regardless of how it's rebranded, should be an ideology that's allowed to have its place right along the philosophies of the party. But in a rather baffling and hilarious manner, it would be interesting to know that at this point in Canada, the conservative party has been infiltrated by a bunch of communist globalists and far woke leftists disguised as Conservative members like Jean Charest. But then it's just really not surprising, because when you look at this guy, and at the same time consider his political chronology, it's not so difficult to see through his cunning personality. And now it appears Jean Charest has announced to the people of Canada who he truly is; –the second version of Justin Trudeau and the World Economic Forum globalist infiltrators apologist. You know, it's just really gross and disturbing how this guy is desperately trying to get to power by all possible means. Apparently, Charest would go as far as publicly aligning with a bunch of unelected globalist elites whose agendas have continuously affected and are on the verge of destroying his country just to plead for support indirectly. It's really shameful and disgusting that I'm about to puke. To be publicly aligned with the agendas and ideologies of a transnational organization apparently run by selfish megalomaniacs with apparent substantial influence on the domestic policies and sovereignty of several countries is just the biggest red flag for a leadership candidate in the race for the highest political seat in Canada. In other words, I really think Jean Charest has just committed what you can call a political suicide. If it were me, I probably would leave that out of my campaign. But of course, all thanks and no thanks to Charest, the majority of Canada, have been hinted at who he really is and the narcissistic and woke liberal hypocritical ideologies he stands for. You know, the mere fact that any Canadian politician would rather choose to ignore the infiltration of the World Economic Forum does not only call for concern, but at the same time, it's just really suspicious. It's like telling France in 19 39 not to worry about Hitler. You all knew it would've really ended way worse. And right now, this guy's statement begs a lot of questions. Welcome to "First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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