UNREAL! BC Government Is Exploiting Unvaccinated Mothers

#trudeau #canada #frontpagenews

UNREAL! BC Government Is Exploiting Unvaccinated Mothers


UNREAL! BC Government Is Exploiting Unvaccinated Mothers 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! You know, when you look at the whole Liberals and New Democratic Party's coalition; it would be most probably not really wrong to be cynical that it was most likely going to be nothing but a coalition government that would usher in and encourages massive dictatorship among levels of government both at the federal and provincial levels. And, of course, that's because birds of a feather flock together. Apparently, the Jagmeet-headed New Democratic Party isn't really different from the narcissistic and authoritarian Liberal party. And that cynicism couldn't be more confirmed with the likes of the N D P premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, who has decided to put Canadian mothers and, by extension, a lot of Canadian households in an absolutely horrifying and alarming situation with no consideration whatsoever for the depressing impacts of the current inflationary spiral ravaging Canada.
Apparently, Justin Trudeau himself would go about his hypocritical narratives telling everyone that no government, politician, or man should tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. Meanwhile, he's not only guilty of what he's preaching against, but what's worse is that the same is happening right under Trudeau's nose, in his country and to his own allegedly loved citizens, and he's doing nothing about it. You know, living in Canada is just really scary these days with these bunch of narcissistic and irrational N D P and Liberal politicians. As if it's not already finally straining for the majority of Canadian mothers with their families due to the severe inflation in the country, it would be rather saddening to know that the current Premier of British Columbia, John Horgan, would have Canadian mothers serving as public officers in British Columbia who are unvaxxed be forced to be vaccinated or pay back all their maternity leave top up benefits which apparently sums up to fifty thousand dollars for some of the public service workers. You think it's totally ridiculous and narcissistic too, right?? Well, you would get to know what's more ridiculous about this whole apparently horrific indecency to Canadian mothers later in today's video.
It would be rather pathetic to know that at this point, Canadian mothers on maternity leave who are not fully vaccinated against co vid 19 working in the British Columbia Public Service are not only at risk of losing their jobs but would be forced to repay all of their maternity leave top-up privileges as well.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: https://www.myprincegeorgenow.com/164... https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/justi... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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