Trudeau's Minister Attack Saskatchewan Minister's For Exposing Them | Front Page News

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Trudeau's Minister Attack Saskatchewan Minister's For Exposing Them | Front Page News


Front Page News

A representative of Trudeau’s government finally came out to defend the federal government over what had happened between Saktachewan farmers and Canadian federal agents. This representative was none other than the minister for climate change, Steven Guilbeault. The minister came out to deny the fact that the federal government was indeed collecting nitrates samples. Though the man admitted that the agents might have been trespassing, he denied that they were on those lands for the sake of nitrates. Guilbeault condemned the Saskatchewan minister for Water Security Agency, Jeremy Cockrill, for writing such a public letter about the issue. It may seem that the federal minister didn’t expect such an outright attack from a politician. So Guilbeault used Cockrill’s action as a reason to come out publicly in a like manner to deny that the agents were there to collect nitrates samples. In his words and I quote, “I believe that we, and Canadians, are best served when we engage on the facts, not heated and misinformed rhetoric.” He went on to say, and I quote again, that, “On August 11, Environment and Climate Change Canada water scientists were taking samples alongside a highway in Pense, Saskatchewan on behalf of Health Canada. A landowner approached the scientists to inform them that they were in fact on private land.” This is where another problem lies because, you see, it wasn’t a single landowner who contacted Cockrill but a lot of landowners who accused the federal agents of trespassing. So whoever gave Guilbeault the lie that it was a single landowner? And on the issue of what has tested itself, the landowners said that the agents had told them that they were testing water samples for nitrates levels but on the other hand, we have Guilbeault telling us that it wasn’t nitrates that were tested that day but something else which he didn’t reveal. Now, are we supposed to take the word of one of Trudeau’s henchmen over that of hardworking farmers who have been cruelly targeted by the prime minister and his government in the pursuit of their radical and partial climate change policy? For me, I would rather stick with the farmers than with anyone who is close to Trudeau and is ever willing to do his bidding. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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