Trudeau Wants To Introduce Federal Digital Identity Program

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Trudeau Wants To Introduce Federal Digital Identity Program


The courage to speak the truth is a virtue! As though the situation with the ArriveCAN wasn’t enough of a problem, Trudeau and his government have started out on another plan to achieve the goal of their WEF puppet masters, and that is with a Federal Digital Identity Program which they hope to implement soon. Taking a leaf from the handbook of the WEF which is the Great Reset, Trudeau and his government claim that the CO VID 19 pandemic period was one that enlightened them to see the benefits of their government embracing the digital age in connecting with citizens and providing safety for them. There is really no surprise there because it is something that you would expect someone working for the WEF to say. Just like Sri Lanka, another WEF puppet, is doing with QR codes, Trudeau wants to bring Canada closer to the WEF by implementing a digital identity program. Recall that this is the exact same blueprint that the WEF has for its own digital identity program, and when you dig deeper into the similarities between what Trudeau is trying to do and what the WEF is also trying to do, you would see that they are more alike than not. The World Economic Forum pointed out that the reason for their proposed digital identity program was to check travellers moving between countries to ensure that they are deemed safe to enter based on that country’s laws. On the other hand, Trudeau’s government has said that the digital identity program was there to prove that you are who you say you are. There is a publication titled Canada’s Digital Ambition 20 22 which was signed off by the president of the treasury board, Mona Fortier and the Chief Information Officer of Canada, Catherine Luelo. Though the details of the program are scarce in that book, there was significant information about the program there. Like where the report said that the digital identity program was the electronic equivalent of a recognized proof of identity document which could be a driver’s license or passport for instance, and confirms that you are who you say you are in a digital context. The report also leveraged the CO VID pandemic where it said that the pandemic highlighted the need for government services to be accessible and flexible in the digital age. The next step in making services more convenient to access is a federal Digital Identity Program, integrated with pre-existing provincial platforms. Welcome to "First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #cndpoli
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