Trudeau Approves $100M Gift For 2SLGBT Communities | Front Page News

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Trudeau Approves $100M Gift For 2SLGBT Communities | 

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Trudeau Approves $100M Gift For 2SLGBT Communities | Front Page News 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! You know, when you take a deep look at one of the reasons why the majority of Canadians often get pissed off at the Trudeau Liberals, it's because of their misplaced priorities. Apparently, these guys just always end up being busy focusing on doing things that they don't need to do in order to avoid doing the things they are actually supposed to be doing. Canada clearly has a housing crisis and uncontrollable food and fuel inflation, amongst other major national issues needing urgent attention there for the Liberals to focus more, but it's just rather unbelievable that this is how the Trudeau Liberal government spends the tax dollars of hard working Canadian tax payers. And yet again, there's an arguably insensate use of the national funds for unnecessary pandering by Justin Trudeau and the rest of his out of touch liberal gang. And this time around, it would be rather absolutely surprising to know that in the face of the severe inflationary spiral, homelessness, and a crippled health care system being experienced in Canada, the Liberal government had deemed it fit that the next thing is to pour nothing less than one hundred million dollars into allegedly supporting the Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities across the country. 100 million dollars! Really? We have homeless in the streets, adults can’t buy houses, kids are dying of overdoses, seniors are struggling, and households can't afford consistent daily three square meals due to the sticker shocks from grocery stores resulting from the economic hardship in the country, and this is what Justin Trudeau thinks is next? You know, Trudeau actually never fails to disappoint the majority of Canadians, you know. He's still as out of touch with Canadians and ridiculously virtue signaling as ever. And, of course, no one is against the 2 S L G B T communities here, but the neglect of issues that matter and unnecessary spending of the Liberal government is the problem here. And, of course, the people are Canada are not dumb like Justin Trudeau most probably thinks they are. All these money panderings and runaway spending are apparently aimed at a major hidden cause that Trudeau Liberals aren't saying, but people can definitely read the lines. You know, when you take a deep look at one of the reasons why the majority of Canadians often get pissed off at the Trudeau Liberals, it's because of their misplaced priorities. Apparently, these guys just always end up being busy focusing on doing things that they don't need to do in order to avoid doing the things they are actually supposed to be doing. Canada clearly has a housing crisis and uncontrollable food and fuel inflation, amongst other major national issues needing urgent attention there for the Liberals to focus more, but it's just rather unbelievable that this is how the Trudeau Liberal government spends the tax dollars of hard working Canadian tax payers. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #trudeau #canada #frontpagenews


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