The Institute for Biological Research’s chief Prof. Shmuel Shapira (Photo: Knesset Channel – Source.)
Top Israeli Scientist: “Monkeypox Outbreak is Linked to mRNA Vaccines” – Twitter Censors Tweet
Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Pro-vaccine and pro-pharma scientists and medical doctors around the world continue to sound the alarm about the devastating effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Israeli Professor Shmuel Shapira, MD, MPH, served as director general of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (“IIBR”) between 2013 and 2021, where he sought to develop an Israeli-made COVID-19 vaccine so that the country would not be dependent upon the American Pfizer-made shots.
Dr. Shapira is also the founder and head of the Military Medicine Department of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine and the IDF Medical Corps. In addition, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University in Israel.
Shapira was previously deputy director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization and director of the Hadassah School of Public Health at Hebrew University.
Professor Shapira used Twitter last week to announce that he was “physically injured” after his third Pfizer vaccine, and that “Monkeypox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkeypox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence.”
Twitter has reportedly forced him to remove these tweets.
We have previously reported how The Exposé discovered that “Monkeypox” is only circulating in countries where the Pfizer Vaccine has been distributed.
Israeli “Monkeypox Outbreak is Linked to mRNA Vaccines” Professor is Censored but Not Silenced
The Exposé
Professor Dr. Shmuel Shapira, one of Israel’s foremost scientists, suggested in a tweet that the monkeypox outbreak is linked to mRNA vaccines. Twitter immediately sprung to action and forced the Doctor to delete his message if he wanted to continue using their platform.
Professor Shmuel Shapira, MD, MPH, served as director general of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (“IIBR”) between 2013 and 2021, where he led Israel’s efforts to develop a Covid vaccine.
Dr. Shapira is also the founder and head of the Military Medicine Department of the Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine and the IDF Medical Corps. In addition, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at Reichman University in Israel.
Shapira was previously deputy director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization and director of the Hadassah School of Public Health at Hebrew University. He is a Colonel (Res.) in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and served as chief of the IDF’s Trauma Division.
He has published more than 110 peer-reviewed scientific papers a. He is an editor of Essentials of Terror Medicine, Best Practice for Medical Management of Terror Incidents, and Medical Response to Terror Threats.
Last week, Twitter censored Prof. Shapira—who was “physically injured” after his third Pfizer vaccine—and forced him to remove a post which said: “Monkeypox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkeypox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence.”
Prof. Shapira was the driving force behind Israel’s program to develop its own vaccine, and was the one who convinced authorities to launch the program under the IIBR, despite the fact that the institute has always been meant to serve defence and security needs. In May 2021, Prof Shapira unexpectedly quit his role as director of IIBR.
In February 2022, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MoH) released results of a survey of about two thousand people, 3-4 weeks after they received the third dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid “vaccine.” The survey asked about the adverse events people experienced following vaccination. “The results are absolutely devastating to the Covid-19 vaccine program and the push for vaccine mandates,” wrote Jackanapes Junction.
In May 2022 Prof. Shapira tweeted that he had received three doses of Covid injection and was physically injured “in a very significant way as many others were injured.”
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