The End Of All Things Is At Hand!

 The End Of All Things Is At Hand!

February  2003

 Last Trumpet Ministries,   


Nahum 3:1-6

Romans 13:11-12

and :  I Peter 4:7

"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer."

In this issue of the Last Trumpet, we will focus on the extreme lateness of the hour in which we live, and we will examine the Word of God to see the signs that we were given to watch for, which are now coming to pass before our very eyes everyday! 

The Scripture verses above bring forth a great urgency and finality. The first text tells of the horrors of a great war fueled and fired by the occult powers of witchcraft. These verses tell us that families and nations are sold by the powers of witchcraft, which is the driving force that currently operates all of the governments of this world and is merging them politically, economically, and spiritually into one government to be presided over by Satan himself in the form of a man. 

We know that regional and global wars have been used to reshape the international order, and we are now living in a time where everyday we are hearing of wars and rumours of wars. 

The sad fact is that the Illuminati Masterminds of the Great Conspiracy are even now preparing for the last great war to finalize the reshaping of the international order to bring forth the new world order under an antichrist and totalitarian one-world dictatorship. 

Every indicator reveals that a Third World War is forthcoming, and this one will be the final cataclysm that changes the world forever and brings the troubled earth to the final day of judgement by the Almighty God.

The one-world conspirators in high places have worked for over 200 years to bring the world to this hour. People have been indoctrinated, groomed, molded, and reshaped in their thinking and in every facet of their way of life to receive the new leadership of antichrist, and very few have escaped that comprehensive orientation. 

Now a horrifying war is about to be used to finalize the age-old project, and as a former witch and occultist, I can see without a doubt that this is all happening at the hand of Satan and by the occult power that he gives to those that are working his plan. 

For 22 years, I have warned people everywhere by means of this newsletter that this time would come, and now it is here. As true Christians, we must stand ready to carry the truth into the darkness, and through prayer we must expose the hidden things of the forces of evil. The power of the blood of Jesus Christ prevails!

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

February  2003


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