REVEALED - No Clear Advantage Of Vaccinating Over Not Vaccinating | Front Page News

REVEALED - No Clear Advantage Of Vaccinating Over Not Vaccinating | Front Page News


Join Us On Telegram and share ideas and comment without any censorship - Hi viewers, I hope you all are doing great today. Mehhnnn… I bet this will leave you so shocked and absolutely perplexed. Apparently, more revelations are coming out about the shitty propaganda and alarmism of the big pharmaceuticals and the Democrats as regards co vid 19. You know, it's just really saddening when you eventually discover that you've been played and exploited all along, both financially and mentally, by the bunch of vainglorious alarmists you thought you could trust to protect your life. Right now, it would be rather ironic to know that investigations have revealed that recently, vaccinated people are more likely than the unvaccinated to be a co vid 19 case, hospitalization, or even death, with occurrence in twenty five states already. In other words, the crazy irony is that the vaccinated are now the ones getting infected over the unvaxxed.
You would remember how the government and all the health agencies had relentlessly and repeatedly told citizens that only the elderly were at risk or people with already compromised immune systems or health issues. And after many pockets were lined and the Big Pharma’s shots were rushed through and approved, the elderly, being the more vulnerable age group, were apparently first in line. Then, the government encouraged younger and younger age groups to get the jab while the legacy media started reporting allegedly high hospitalizations and death numbers among the unvaccinated, causing alarmism. And doubling down on the whole alarmism game, the government and health agencies went ahead to announce that the unvaccinated people are spreading co vid among everyone, including the people who already took the shots. And in a rather saddening manner, when skeptical Americans weren’t taking the bait, the Government held almost every American citizen’s jobs, regardless of age and health status, in jeopardy. Unless they received the injection, they clearly wouldn't be able to keep their jobs, attend school, play sports, visit loved ones in the hospital, travel, or even go out for dinner. And there are doctors and scientists who spoke up against experimental use of the vaccines and the dangers of the crazy jabs; they were quickly silenced and discredited. And as if that wasn't already enough, once these guys got the majority of the population jabbed, boosters were all of a sudden needed. Meanwhile, for a long time now, there has been no clear advantage of vaccinating over not vaccinating, only pure speculation that “suggests” vaccinated have a better chance of survival in extreme cases, and that too has turned out to be untrue. And despite the government and health agencies trying very hard to cover up their fraud, Americans only keep getting closer to more revelations because the numbers, injuries, and deaths caused by the co vid hysteria are becoming too hard to hide. Apparently, the abject failure of the whole co vid charade has been exposed on a whole new level. But of course, there's more to today's story, so please stay around and watch the video till the end. Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you.
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