Jordan Peterson - Prepare Your Family For What Is Coming | Front Page News

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Jordan Peterson - Prepare Your Family For What Is Coming | Front Page News

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Jordan Peterson - Prepare Your Family For What Is Coming | Front Page News 🥺 Buy Us A Cup Of Coffee ☕ By Clicking On The THANKS Button 🙏 The Courage To Speak The Truth Is A Virtue! Whether in Australia, the Netherlands or on our very doorstep here in Canada, governments worldwide have been working overtime to push the green energy agenda. This in itself is not a problem. We are all for protecting the planet as much as the next person. But not when the move is so radical it seeks to alienate whole industries and provinces and impoverish hardworking people while those making these preposterous rules get to give up nothing in exchange for a safer planet. This is all despite what is happening in Sri Lanka, where the government’s green energy ambitions have caused so much chaos that the country’s foreign currency reserves plummeted by an astounding 99 percent from the same period in 20 19. Without careful consideration or forethought, Sri Lanka’s government single handedly drove a self sufficient nation to near starvation, chaos and massive nationwide protests. In Australia, farmers are being bullied out of business. Same in the Netherlands and, of course, Canada. Because, apparently, farming is now such a despicable thing to do that it is basically the same as taking an axe to the planet. While working hard at frustrating farmers, these same governments are going on and on about how half of the world’s population is going to starve because of the war in Ukraine. These people really need to pick a side and acknowledge that their actions are contributing more to the insane hikes in food prices than anything happening elsewhere. In a recent interview with Sky News Australia, Canadian clinical psychologist and author Jordan Peterson speaks at length about the vigorous climate change agenda in these countries and how narcissistic governments like Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau are taking advantage of people’s fear of the non existent apocalypse. Please watch, like and share this video as Peterson explains the real reason behind the fresh wave of dubious climate awareness. Also, ensure you drop your comments and observations in the comment section below, subscribe to the channel and check out our other videos. Thanks, and enjoy the video. The renowned Youtube personality begins by commenting on what is happening in Australia, where, among other things, farmers are protesting the proposed Western Renewables Link. The protesting farmers say the large powerlines that would transport renewable energy to Melbourne will disrupt farming practices. Instead, they want the 500 kilovolt high voltage transmission lines underground Welcome to First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sources:


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