'It's really a vaccine using gene therapy technology,' says scientist


'It's really a vaccine using gene therapy technology,' says scientist

When Dr. Oldfield’s discoveries were being ignored, he began to wonder if there was a high-level corruption involved in the response plan.

In the first part of this two-part interview, I discuss how justice is being sought by a retired scientist and researcher, Dr Phillip Oldfield. 

He began looking at evidence-based data around COVID treatment and response options and became increasingly suspicious of the Government when his concerns were ignored. 

It began when Oldfield was looking at the ivermectin clinical research. He recognized that it had both a tolerable and successful safety profile when it was used as an early treatment option for COVID-19 patients. Thereafter, Oldfield took it upon himself to begin advocating for the use of this re-purposed drugs to various Canadian officials including Dr. Theresa Tam, the Governor General, health ministers both provincially and federally and elected political representatives. 

When his discoveries were ignored by all levels of the bureaucracy with lives being lost, he believed they could have been saved. Oldfield began to ponder if there was a high-level corruption involved in the response plan. 

As the novel injection continued to be rolled out, and eventually mandated by various levels of Government, Dr. Oldfield joined forces with other dissenting experts to put out a paper. 

The paper titled, “How Does Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 Affect the Brain and Its Implications for the Vaccines Currently in Use” was co-authored by Byram Bridle and Jennifer Hibberd and warns against neurological effects that may not be seen for years to come. 

Seeking justice on the corruption that he suspected, Oldfield contacted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) National Division Intake Unit urging them to investigate allegations of corruption within the Federal Government. He realized that he had hit a brick wall when Constable Lafond responded, stating that “it was determined that your matter does not meet the threshold to initiate a criminal investigation under our mandate.” 

After having gone through all the options within Canada, Oldfield said: 

I then began to draw my attention to the International Criminal Court.

What this looked like, as well as next steps, will be featured in the second part of this interview series so please stay tuned. 

Rebel News 


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