Institutions continue with coercive vaccine mandates without clear scientific rationale

Institutions continue with coercive vaccine mandates without clear scientific rationale 

Institutions continue with coercive vaccine mandates without clear scientific rationale

Reinstating mask mandates and vaccine passports at Western University makes certain that students will not return to normal this fall

Two weeks to flatten the curve was a tagline sold to Ontarians in March 2020 to gain their compliance in slowing the spread of what is now referred to as a seasonal respiratory virus, SARS-CoV-2.

Two and a half years later, many public sectors have never returned to normal.

As Rebel News reported yesterday, joining the growing list of public institutions that are continuing with the revolving door of restrictions and mandates is Western University in London, Ontario.

In a press release on August 22, Western stated that it will require “students, faculty and staff to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and to have received one booster, and to be masked in classrooms and seminar rooms." Apparently the measures are "aimed at preserving the in-person learning experience.”

This is the same university that had second year engineering student Harry Wade arrested and expelled when he engaged in peaceful civil disobedience, simply trying to attend the classes that he had paid for.

Appointed provost and vice-president (academic) Florentine Strzelcyzk says that they “believe these measures will help us protect the in-person experience that Western is known for. We want to do everything we can to offer our students a great on-campus experience throughout the academic year.”

A belief system.

A great on-campus experience — but only for those who comply.

The release gloats: “Last year, Western was the first university in Canada to require vaccination for students in residence and among the first requiring vaccination for all students and employees, resulting in a 99 per cent vaccination rate on campus.”

Despite the heavy-handed requirement, COVID-19 continued to spread at Western. It’s well-known by now that the injections do not prevent transmission or infection.

Western’s own figurehead disregarded COVID recommendations and guidelines. Chancellor Linda Hasenfratz vacationed to Barbados over winter holidays in late 2020/early 2021. Upon discovery of her travels, she resigned from the Ontario COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force.

Of note, Hasenfratz is also CEO of auto-parts manufacturer Linamar Corporation. In September of 2020, Linamar received a $2.5 million grant from the Ontario Together Fund to pivot its assembly line to manufacture ventilator components, when it was speculated that there would not be enough ventilators for COVID-19 patients. It was a worry that was based on faulty modeling that never came true.

And Western students have had enough. They mobilized a group on social media, @Students4Agency, to push back on this unscientific and potentially harmful policy, garnering thousands of followers overnight.

This morning, the group called for the storming of phone lists of Western faculty said to be responsible for the policy.

I have reached out to the group for comment.

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