EU: They are preparing new lockdowns and its limitation circulation of citizens with excuse the climate change!

EU: They are preparing new lockdowns and its limitation circulation of citizens with excuse the climate change!

The coronavirus was just a test

After two and a half years of restrictions and the imposition of unconstitutional decisions under the pretext of public health (coronavirus), now comes a new round of restrictions and suppression of the freedom of citizens under the pretext of climate change and it seems that these practices will last forever.

The European Union will urge the world's biggest economies to tighten their climate change targets ahead of this year's UN climate summit (COP27).

After all, all this is not something hidden since a few months ago a "plan" was issued to deal with climate change,  which was first broadcast by , and they are already talking about tightening these parameters! As it seems, the coronavirus and what came along with the epidemic was simply a foretaste and a test for citizens to learn to tolerate what the rulers around the world want to impose.

Specifically, a few days ago  , the prophet of the World Economic Forum and author of several books, Yuval Noah Harari,  argued exactly this, that this tolerance  "makes them more open to extreme ideas about how to also deal with climate change" .

According to a draft document with the proposals, seen by Reuters, Brussels warns that current efforts by states fall far short of what is needed.

In France, it even seems that they were open to doing 60-90 days of lockdown a year to "help the environment".

The E.U. notes in the draft negotiating mandate for the COP27 summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in November that despite the commitments announced by countries at the COP26 climate summit, "global climate action remains insufficient".

The draft can be changed until November, as it will be the subject of negotiations between the EU member states. But the paper says polluters must revise their targets if the world really wants to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

"The E.U. calls on all parties to submit ambitious targets and policies and particularly urges major economies that have not yet done so to review or strengthen targets,” the document said according to Reuters.

Nearly 200 countries will participate in COP27, following a summer of extreme drought, heat and other climate-related extremes.

However, it should be noted that these negotiations will take place at a time when the world is facing a serious energy crisis, which is forcing countries to resort to coal again.



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