Brisbane doctor BLASTS sick system


Brisbane doctor BLASTS sick system

Dr William Bay speaks out against the 'erosion' of medical freedoms

A Brisbane doctor has started a movement called the Queensland People’s Protest in a bid to spread awareness about the erosion of medical freedoms in the state.

Dr William Bay has been speaking out against the mRNA technology in vaccines and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

One of his biggest concerns is that Queensland Health was shifting the attention away from the personal care of patients for the sake of wider public health messaging.

One of the biggest issues ignorance - People are not aware doctor’s no longer take a hippocratic oath,” he said.

People are not aware Parliament are trying to take away people’s medical freedoms.”

“People are not aware that we have been in a state of emergency for more than 900 days.”


Dr Bay is still practicing in North Brisbane and spoke of his personal experiences with patients under his care and said he couldn’t sit by any longer without speaking out.



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