WATCH: Fresh fears drive more protests in Brisbane

WATCH: Fresh fears drive more protests in Brisbane

Yasmin Sawyer asks Queenslanders about their biggest concerns

Days of rain and windy conditions failed to stop protesters from turning out in force in Brisbane at the weekend.

The protest was led by The People's Revolution which is continuing to gather crowds in large numbers as a new wave of concerns over global food shortages, the cost of living, a housing crisis and fuel prices drive fresh worries.

An estimated 5,000 met at Musgrave Park and marched through city streets, one of the youngest protesters, a 7-year-old boy, led chants and told me he was 'fighting for Queensland'.

Protest organiser Tricky stopped the march at the bottom of Queen Street Mall in the centre of Brisbane telling the crowd 'We’ve been doing this for two years what is it going to take for people to wake up?'

I asked the protesters their thoughts on what is the biggest problem with society at the moment and listened to a range of concerns.

Attendees were keen to 'wake up' those around them who continue to comply with rules and regulations put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic as the nation faces new challenges. 

Even though people were fighting for different things they all shared the common view that the status quo needs to change and that it's a cause worth fighting for.



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