Treachery - Hidden in Plain Sight!

Image by : The King James Version Bible

 Treachery - Hidden in 

Plain Sight!


October  2009

   Last Trumpet Ministries,

Treachery - Hidden in Plain Sight !

"Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing."

John 18:20

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again find our current position in time and Bible prophecy by comparing current events with the infallible King James Bible. 

As we do this, we know there is so much to see and consider as the events of the last generation unfold before our very eyes. We know from history that a grand conspiracy called the Illuminati does exist, and it is not hard to find it. Satan does conspire, and so do all evil men who develop a scheme-in-common. 

The organized Illuminati has existed since May 1st, 1776, and it was planned and organized by the evil genius Dr. Adam Weishaupt at the behest of the House of Rothschild banking dynasty. In those days and in subsequent recent history, their only hope for survival was secrecy. That is why they hid themselves within the highest esoteric ranks of Freemasonry, the Grand Orient, the Jesuits, and many other clandestine groups who masqueraded themselves as benevolent and philanthropic organizations. 

Every evil and sinister plan in history, including world wars, was planned and launched from the restricted temple rooms and gathering places of highly respected organizations with the vast majority of its own members not even knowing what was happening! Thus, with a perfect front and cover and the element of secrecy, they were able to continue their scheme of Luciferian one-worldism to this very day. They also had the added benefit that people are basically mentally lazy and apathetic. The vast majority of people just do not think and do not care!

One of the ways that we can know that we are at the very end of the world is that the conspirators are no longer depending on secrecy. 

They are now operating openly, and what they are doing is clearly visible. Why then do most people not see what is happening? 

All of the above Bible verses tell us why and that such a day would come when the people would be oblivious to the obvious. It is a fact that when people refuse to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they lose their ability to discern anything correctly. They see, but do not see; they hear, but do not hear. 

We have reached that unique and peculiar time that Jesus spoke about when people would look directly at something and not see it. The motto of today's society is: How am I supposed to see the woods when there are so many trees in the way? 

Treachery is no longer hidden solely in the secret chambers at 58 East 68th Street in New York City, the headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is the American Illuminati. Now, treachery can be hidden in plain sight and in full public view.

If you are one who can see and understand, I thank God for you. The situation is not just political or geo-political, but spiritual. Satan is behind the treachery. 

If you are reading this and have never surrendered your heart, soul, and mind to the Lord Jesus, you can and must do it now. It is late, but He will still receive you. Your eyes will be opened, and you will be free from the bondage of Satan and his devices.

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October    2009


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