The Greatest Deception!

image by Daily Sabah

The Greatest Deception!

 April  2010

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

      The Greatest Deception!

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will once again examine the sad but true condition of our nation and the world. We will use the Word of God, which will reveal the spirits that are at work behind the current events as the world races to accept a grand deception and to believe a lie

We know that the purpose of Satan is to unite the entire world under the authority of a totalitarian dictator that the Bible calls the man of sin or son of perdition. 

Satan knows that the only way this can happen is through a grand deception. The man of sin must appear as a godlike answer man who will bring change to our troubled earth. Only the true and discerning Christians will see him for what he really is. The unregenerate and impenitent wicked people that fill the earth will never understand until it is too late.

The greatest deception began back in the Garden of Eden long ago, and Satan has been building on that deception ever since. Satan's false promise to Eve was that she could have it both ways. She could be both good and evil simultaneously according to the great deceiver. That lie is the premise of every form of occultism. We are supposed to believe there are good witches and bad witches, two sides of the "force," and so on. 

Our Saviour declared that when He came in his Father's name, He was not received. He went on to say that if another would come in his own name, he would be received. This is a prophecy about the forthcoming Antichrist!

Our current President is a man who embraces all religions, and while trying to appear to be good, he continually embraces evil. Here let it be noted that I have been heavily criticized by mainstream "Christians" for exposing Obama for what he really is and for saying that he is not an American and that he holds the office of the President of the United States illegally. I have been told that I should be praying for him. I many times will pray the Psalms when I pray. There are some Psalms where you can actually pray the verses. Let the record show that I do pray Psalm 109:8 for Obama, which reads as follows: "Let his days be few; and let another take his office." 

Have Americans forgotten that they have a right to redress and criticize a faulty government? If that is not the case, America has no right to exist because our founding fathers rebelled against the King of England. It is not only our right but also our duty to speak out and declare the truth!

The situation is critical at this time, and every indicator points to the fact that this present world is coming to an end. The Bible is proven true by the events of each day, and the vast majority of the people are completely oblivious to it. 

Very soon time will end and give way to eternity. Where will you be and what will you be doing when that last trumpet of God sounds? Are you ready to meet the Saviour? You can be at peace with Him right now by repenting and yielding your heart, soul, and mind to Him. He will receive and accept you. Do it now, before it is too late. If you contact us, we will help you to obey the entire Gospel. The Lord Jesus Christ will hear the simplest prayer if it is truly from the heart.

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

April  2010


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