The Fall of the United States of Babylon!

The Fall of the United States of Babylon!

Volume XXVIII           Issue VI           June  2009

Last Trumpet Ministries, 

PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916

 The Swine Behind the Flu!

On April 24th, 2009, Reuters News Service featured the following headline: "Deadly New Flu Strain Erupts in Mexico." (17) On April 27th, 2009, Mexico City was hit by a powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake. (18) It was quite a series of events. On April 16th, Obama was in Mexico. Eleven days later came the flu outbreak, and the Mexican official that first greeted Obama and shook his hand was dead from the flu. Three days later came the earthquake! Almost immediately, the World Health Organization declared "international concern" over the so-called "swine flu." (19) The CDC, or Center for Disease Control, seemed to know a lot about this flu almost immediately and apparently in advance. The CDC issued the following statement: "

A new and unusual strain of swine flu is likely widespread and impossible to contain. This new strain of influenza has shown it can spread easily from person to person. It has been found in several places, and among people who have had no known contact. This suggests that there is an unseen chain of infection and that the virus has been spreading quietly." (20) Without a doubt, this so-called "swine flu" was intentionally manufactured in a laboratory as a designer virus, which can be modified to extremes later.

Shortly after the outbreak, I received an e-mail from a close friend overseas who is a medical doctor and researcher who now practices natural medicine. This man, as a professional, had an user name and password that allowed him to access the U.S. Government's computer data on toxicology and virology. Immediately after he sent the personal e-mail to me, his password and user name to the Government website disappeared and no longer existed. The information I received is that the people who are susceptible to contracting the H1N1 "swine flu" are those who have been vaccinated within the past five years. Their bodies were set up to receive this new flu by their immunizations. 

I also was informed that the reason why Mexico was chosen as the launching pad for this so-called "epidemic" is because those who have tuberculosis or have had it are especially susceptible to contact H1N1. Mexico has had high numbers of people with tuberculosis. The U.S. Government website also stated that before the outbreak in Mexico, a vial of swine flu H1N1 was unaccounted for and had gone missing while being transported to a Mexican government veterinary science laboratory in Mexico. This report soon disappeared from the government website. 

We also know that the H1N1 virus is made up of four different genetic pieces from different virus sources and had to be intentionally produced. We know that swine flu can only be transferred to other swine. Avian flu is exclusive to birds and so on. I am sure that a pig, a bird, and a human didn't get together in a conspiracy to produce H1N1. This is diabolical fear mongering, designed to control people, and to especially steal away the faith and courage from anyone who still has such virtues.

I remember when in the very early days of Obama's campaign, people were saying, "The day that Obama becomes President is the day pigs will fly." Obama was elected, and I have been looking around to see if any pigs were flying, and sure enough -- swine flu (flew).

On May 6th, 2009, ABC News reported that the H1N1 is now expected to mutate into a new deadly strain, which would require people everywhere to receive three successive inoculations to control it. (21) 

The CDC admitted as far back as January 14th, 2004, that they were mixing avian and human flu viruses in a pandemic study. (22) 

We can be sure of one thing: all vaccines are poison. They contain decomposed protein from the pustules of sick animals and/or putrefied eggs mixed with carbolic acid, mercury, and formaldehyde. Perhaps that is why autism is epidemic among immunized children and what was once extremely rare (autism) is now quite common. 

Now we can understand why we now have legislation on the Federal level that protects the makers of vaccines from lawsuits if the government declares a public health emergency. (23)

The government is constantly trying to control the bodies, souls, and minds of the people. That is why they regulate food, drugs, and religion. 

The Federal Government absolutely hates the health food and vitamin industries because they help people to live longer. Now the Federal Government has threatened General Mills because the company has advertised that using Cheerios reduces cholesterol by 10% in one month. General Mills has provided the evidence, but they have been told that if a food is advertised as having health benefits, it must now be considered a medicine and be properly licensed and regulated. (24) 

Quite obviously, we cannot think of any food as having specific benefits or it becomes a medicine. Conversely, only food that has no benefits to the body of man can be freely sold without government interference. This is insanity of the first magnitude!

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

June  2009


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