The Day When Reality Strikes!

Knowing Jesus

The Day When Reality Strikes!

 October 2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will use our God-given knowledge and discernment to look at our nation, which is now in a condition such as it never was before. We are living during a time of change, transition, and metamorphosis; and it is not for the good. 

We are seeing a major shift in the prevailing spiritual wind, which is bringing with it the very essence of antichrist as never before. 

For a very long time, we have been watching major erosion and deterioration of all of the old and established institutions, morals, and spiritual fiber that brought America to its erstwhile greatness. 

These foundations are rapidly being pulled away, and they are disappearing without a trace among our new, younger society. The youth of our nation have no reference point to the past and no index of the future as they wander through the corridors of antichrist and illuministic deception. 

There is such confusion and so many mixed signals that most people will not utilize the mental energy to even think about what is happening to them. We have been told continually that things are not that bad and everything is going to get better. 

The current American society has never known hard times, and most look at you in disbelief if you tell them hard times are coming.

When people refuse to acknowledge reality, there is nothing left for them but deception, and most people will never wake up until reality hits them squarely in the face. 

The Almighty is now bringing trouble upon our land as a wake-up call. We are a nation in trouble, and we are stricken with one disaster after another! We are hearing some politicians say, “God is on our side,” but how can that be true if we are not on God’s side?

We know that very soon the ultimate reality is going to hit everyone squarely in the face. The return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will bring Judgment Day, and everyone will be there. 

Judgment Day will be a day when all deception, concealments, and cover-ups will be gone. It will be a day of stark reality for everyone. 

Then comes the reality that you will spend eternity somewhere. You will be either in the Kingdom of Heaven or in a state of eternal damnation. 

If you are reading this, there is still time to repent, and the Saviour will hear you. He will not turn you away! Do it now, while the clock is still ticking!

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October 2008


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