Revealed! The Liberal Attack On Life Essentials Could Get Worse!

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Revealed! The Liberal Attack On Life Essentials Could Get Worse!


Revealed! The Liberal Attack On Life Essentials Could Get Worse! The courage to speak the truth is a virtue! These are really shameful and ridiculous times in Canada under the administration of Justin Trudeau's Liberal government. And you can hardly finish mentioning the atrocities of this current government of Canada. You know, I bet even the Liberals' followers never really thought the state of the country could get this worse. First, it was this World Economic Forum globalists pleasing Liberals trying to force everyone to take a series of vaccines that has reportedly been having very dangerous side effects, and now, these guys are attempting to sabotage the food supply across the country. Apparently, Justin Trudeau would continue to steal away and mercilessly put a roof over the freedom of the people of Canada, destroying our quality of life, and now in a rather horrific manner, this guy is going to implement his crazy plans aimed at reducing food production in Canada. And you know, it's just really insane; I mean, just how exactly did we get to this point in Justin Trudeau's Canada?. As a member of the G 7, Canadian provinces apparently are expected to be great cities, but in a rather insane and ironic manner, Canada now has its major airport tagged as the “world’s worst.” And there are the Trudeau Liberals who, of course, should be great custodians of a great country that Canada is supposed to be still buying chairs for citizens waiting for passports in a seemingly never-ending queue rather than efficiently devising a means to issue the citizens their passports. And what's rather more painful is that Justin Trudeau, in the face of all this mess, has been flying around the country like a deranged bird from one place to another. But, of course, it's yet again not really surprising; I mean, he's obviously not feeling the pains and frustrations that the majority of Canadian travelers are facing at the airports due to his status. And on another side, there are the probings into possible interference of Justin Trudeau and his liberal gangs in the famous Nova Scotia mass murder police investigation as well as the illegal invocation of the Emergencies Act, which apparently has been endlessly frustrated with several Trudeau Liberals' political theatrics. Welcome to "First Page News 🤝 We share conservative political news to inform and update you about the happening in politics and in our society that the mainstream media will rather hide from you.


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