No more organ transplants for the unvaccinated in Canada — JCCF lawyer weighs in


No more organ transplants for the unvaccinated in Canada — JCCF lawyer weighs in

A judge has ruled that Sheila Lewis, who is unvaccinated, has no right to receive a life-saving transplant.

Here at Rebel News, we’ve spoken with many individuals who are now facing the post-COVID ‘health care’ system head on. Recently, we interviewed Sheila Annette Lewis, who suffers from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and has been advised that she will not survive unless she receives an organ transplant. A recent court ruling has led to Lewis now being denied this life-saving surgery for her terminal condition, because she is unvaccinated.

Below are excerpts from Justice R. Paul Belzil’s ruling. (This case is under a publication ban which means that Rebel News is unable to publish the name of the organ Lewis needs.)

“No one has a right to receive [CENSORED] transplants, and no one is forced to undergo transplantation surgery.”

“It is illogical for the applicant to freely accept all other preconditions to transplantation and object to one on the basis of alleged medical coercion."

“The Charter has no application to clinical treatment decisions made by the Treating Physicians.”

The publication ban also censors other details of this case, including the names of the doctors, the name of the city where her transplant team works, and the name of the hospital where her transplant would take place. Rebel News published two articles on Lewis's case before the ban took effect, one in September of 2021, and the other in December of 2021.

Over half a million fewer surgeries were administered in Canada due to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to COVID. In 2020 alone, over 2,000 Canadians died while waiting for medical care. We spoke with the wife of a man who suffered this exact fate. Earlier this year, we spoke with another individual who was forced to consider euthanasia after being refused treatment. Now after suppressing necessary medical treatments for the past two years, $2 billion in additional funds was announced in March in order to attempt to clear the now extensive backlogs of surgeries across the country.

We spoke with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms lawyer and lead counsel for Lewis, Allison Kindle Pejovic, who detailed the ruling against her client. Justice Belzil dismissed the original application in its entirety, though an assessment of the ruling from Lewis’s counsel is expected and will determine whether an appeal will be filed.

Approximately 32.5 of 38.8 million Canadians have taken the jab at least once, leaving approximately 6.3 million without any COVID vaccines whatsoever. These six million Canadians have not only faced some of the most restrictive travel mandates on the planet, and now have also been told that if they want to receive life-saving treatment, they must bend the knee to big pharma.

Last year, the federal government delivered $5 billion in ‘pandemic’ support to provinces and territories for vaccines and health care, but how much of that was for silence? Trudeau paid bureaucrats to promote the vaccines as if they were being genuine, when in reality it was money on their mind when they said your grandma would die. From Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam to Ontario's Dr. Kieran Moore and beyond, conflict of interest has revealed the true reason they stand so strong for COVID restrictions and vaccines. Regretfully, the Ontario government even had to warn against taking the Moderna vaccine, after already pressuring millions of Canadians to inject themselves.

Considering some of the main companies pushing COVID vaccines are AstraZenecaJohnson & Johnson, and Pfizer, who had to pay $2.3 billion in a fraud settlement in order to resolve criminal and civil liability over fraudulent marketing, I’ll remain hopeful that none of the almost $2 billion they received for ‘vaccine’ production was used to incentivize the doctors or politicians in question.

There are a plethora of issues being created by the Trudeau government within the medical industry, from the vaccine mandate battles to the silencing of medical experts. The government has blatantly ignored COVID data as well as pleas from the public to ease draconian COVID measures. In a bid to aid Canadians, the Trudeau government has ignored countless cries for help, but what they have done is made access to assisted suicide easierlegalized hard drugs, and jailed parents who attempt to prevent permanent life-altering hormone treatments from being given to their children.

Painfully ironic is the recent news that Alberta Health Services ended its COVID vax mandate for staff, meaning the surgeon responsible could be unvaccinated and use an organ donated by an unvaccinated person, but can’t transplant that organ into an individual who is also unvaccinated. This is why we’ve started our petition, because it’s not right that over six million unvaccinated Canadians should be denied life-saving surgery over an experimental jab with no long-term data. Why should the unvaccinated even donate their organs in Canada anymore? It's not like the favour will ever be returned.

If you agree that vaccination status should not determine if whether Canadians are allowed to receive life-saving care, go to and sign the petition.

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