New Zealand PM: Government is 'your only source of truth'

Image J. Ardern: 内閣官房内閣広報室, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

New Zealand PM: Government is 

'your only source of truth'

After doctors and scientists in New Zealand wrote in a letter calling for an investigation into deaths from the experimental Covid vaccines, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the government was the "sole source of truth".

In New Zealand, which quickly adopted a “zero Covid policy” and the mass administration of the experimental Covid vaccine, the deaths associated with them are piling up. This led to a group of doctors and scientists (New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science, NZDSOS ) sending a public letter to the left-liberal government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (an agent of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum) calling for an investigation into demanded reference to the vaccination dead. Report24 reported extensively on this .

This led to the New Zealand police actually launching an investigation into the unexpectedly high number of deaths since the start of the vaccination programme. But this does not go down well with Prime Minister Ardern. She is trying to defend the official figures and data that keep people completely in the dark regarding the controversial Covid vaccinations and related deaths. "We will continue to be your only source of truth," Ardern said. "Until you hear it from us, it's not the truth."

Given that it is well known that governments around the world consistently lie to their citizens (only “for their good” of course), Ardern's testimony is a strong piece - WikiLeaks is an interesting source of examples here. All the more so as investigations are launched in a growing number of countries while governments struggle in vain to continue touting the supposed “safety” of the experimental Covid vaccines.

It now remains to be seen whether Prime Minister Ardern, through the Home Office, will put pressure on the police authorities to prevent a proper investigation into the Covid gene injection deaths.

Health tip (not only) for autumn: vitamin K2 & D3 !  

Hardly anything is more important for health than an intact immune system. The sunshine vitamin D3, in combination with vitamin K2, helps to keep your immune system in top form.   



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