Illuministic Health Mismanagement!

Transparency International

Illuministic Health 


October 2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

In a recent report by Medical News Today, it was stated that 79 million Americans have medical bills that they cannot pay. (27) Many of these bills are large, and people are being brought to poverty and homelessness because of it! According to USA Today, drug prices are up 100% and some as much as 1,000%. (28) We have a shameful and corrupt health care system in our country.

We have now learned that the American Academy of Pediatrics is actively promoting the use of statin drugs for children as young as eight years of age. Statin drugs are known to damage muscles, including the heart, and to cause fatigue. (29) Why do doctors not know how to make children healthy without giving them pills? There are only two possible answers to that: either they are very ignorant or very evil!

Something is very wrong with the establishment “health care” system in America. We have runaway epidemics of diabetes, autism, hypertension, cancer, and so on. The following words were submitted to me by a certified natural health professional or CNHP: “Dr. Robert Mendelsohn often criticized modern medicine for its sanctimonious doctrine. He argued that doctors are the priests who dispense holy water in the form of inoculations to ritually initiate our loyalty into the larger medical industry. 

Dr. Richard Moskowitz agrees. ‘Vaccines have become sacraments of our faith in biotechnology. Their efficacy and safety are widely seen as self-evident and needing no further proof.’

Others see a link between vaccinations and satanic rituals of witchcraft, where animals are sacrificed and their organs brewed in a hellish concoction of horrid substances: voodoo medicine by 21st century mad scientists. Sadly, our children are their unwilling subjects as society is slowly devoured by their insatiable appetite for human experimentation.”

We have now learned that the Food and Drug Administration has approved zapping lettuce, spinach, and other greens with radiation. I am drawing upon forty-five years experience as an avid student of chemistry and physics when I say that radiation breaks down and disassembles organic compounds into free radicals and destroys all nutritional value of food. 

We should also note that the radioactive waste that is used to irradiate food may kill bacteria, but not viruses. (30)

Truly, we live in a polluted land, and I pray that God will give us wisdom and faith.

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source :

David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

October 2008


27. Medical News Today, Aug. 24, 2008,
28. USA Today, Aug. 9. 2008, by Julie Appleby, Gannett News Service.
29. Wellness Resources, Jul. 11, 2008, by Byron Richards, CCN,
30. Associated Press, Aug. 22, 2008, by Lauren Neergaard, Washington, D.C.


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