FINALLY - Privacy Commissioner Investigating Trudeau's ArriveCAN App

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FINALLY - Privacy Commissioner Investigating Trudeau's ArriveCAN App


FINALLY - Privacy Commissioner Investigating Trudeau's ArriveCAN App The courage to speak the truth is a virtue!
Given the recent complaints concerning the ArriveCAN, Canada's federal watchdog, the privacy commission has launched an investigation into the app with regards to knowing how true the complaints were. I say it’s about time. Trudeau’s ArriveCAN app has received a lot of heat from Canadians after it was found that the app collected the data belonging to its users, and of course, this was done without the knowledge of Canadians who used it. When this was figured out, it did further damage to the badly hurt relations between the Liberal government and Canadians, and there were talks that the ArriveCAN app was actually made in line with the WEF’s Digital Identity program. Though this connection was played down earlier, succeeding actions by Trudeau like his plan to cut fertilizer use for the purpose of emissions, which is one of the plans in the WEF’s Great Reset showed that the ArriveCAN may truly have been what it was suspected to be. A trial for the WEF’s Digital Identity program. Now the privacy commissioner is looking into the issue. In an email dated July 27, the Office of Canada’s Privacy Commissioner said that the office had received and was currently investigating a complaint which brought concerns with respect to the collection of personal information through ArriveCAN and subsequent use of that information by the government

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