Anti-Semitism mace: Holocaust survivors and their descendants support Prof. Bhakdi

Image: Screenshot Odyssey / PlanetLockdown

Anti-Semitism mace: Holocaust survivors and their descendants support Prof. Bhakdi

The intention behind the allegations of anti-Semitism against Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi was clear to critical observers from the start: Technically, there was nothing to counter his criticism of the Covid vaccines - he was always right with his warnings. So the accusation of downplaying the Holocaust should silence him. This causes massive outrage among Holocaust survivors and their descendants. Our guest commentator Mascha Orel is one of those who stand behind Prof. Bhakdi and strongly denounce the actions of the media.

A guest comment by Masha Orel:

I am sad, shocked and worried. Sad because a great country seems unable to break out of an endless loop. Appalled at the brutality of the methods that make what was once experienced and repressed a horrid everyday reality. Above all, I am concerned about a beautiful soul, about a person who touches my soul, and who has been chosen as the model victim of the revived and modernized hate speech and slander - for Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.

I am one of the German voices of We for Humanity , an initiative of Holocaust survivors and their descendants. I myself am descendant of the survivors. We are not organized as an association, neither funded by the state nor supported by sponsors or donations. Our voices are free, committed only to conscience and God. As a family of people, we have invited all to follow us who wish to amplify our voice and support our quest to live the never again mantra. Gentiles follow us, we are grateful for that, we are proud of that. Our spokeswoman in France is Muslima.

It was the initial defamation of Sucharit Bhakdi as an anti-Semite that brought us into being. We have come together to protect an innocent person, but above all to say to the media: For decades they have abused the anti-Semitism cudgel to put people into the same mindless trance in which they once passed Jews drifted and did nothing. It is not a "Jewish question" when the bourgeois majority allows a minority to be denied and persecuted - no matter who the minority is.

Independent science at the service of the people

Getting to know Professor Bhakdi was the best experience of the Corona era He has become a dear friend and has given me precious insights into his world - as a scientist, as a person and as a fighter for what is important and dear to him.

You fellow human beings are important to him. The independent science in your service determines its day-to-day life. Sucharit Bhakdi is one of the – unfortunately – few who do not subordinate themselves to political narratives. And with that alone he stands for the fact that "Never Again" is not just lip service. It is the end of every pluralistic, democratic society when business, science, the judiciary, medicine, education, culture and the media bow to political dictates. We already had that in the darkest time of German history. If you don't participate, you're doing the right thing.

With Israel as the "laboratory of the world" - according to Pfizer boss Albert Bourla - about 5 billion people were subjected to a medical experiment without any indication of the genetic character and the known side effects of the injections. Holocaust survivors were also allowed to experience unenlightened consequences of the contemporary experiment - take Jeni from the Israeli " Testimonies Project " of Avital Livny. Anyone who opposes this is most certainly not an anti-Semite.

Unbroken trust in the good

Masha, relax! It will be over in a maximum of three weeks
, Professor Bhakdi told me in the middle of the first anti-Semitism campaign against him.

How's that?

We discovered that these injections start blood clotting. And we can prove it!


Do not you understand?! Blood clotting and thrombosis are life-threatening. They can arise anywhere. For example, blood clots in the brain can cause blindness, paralysis, and even death. As soon as YOU find out, YOU must immediately stop the vaccination campaign, there is no way around it. We inform YOU and YOU stop immediately.

This was not the last enthusiastic prophecy that THEY will not ignore the latest findings and expose people to the dangers of experimental gene therapy. With unbroken trust in the good, Sucharit Bhakdi steels himself after every disappointment - because THEY don't stop - and continues to research, research, write, clarify, hope, hope... that he and people like him will finally be heard.

Well knowing about this sincerity, innocence, almost unworldly trust that it is just a big mistake, it breaks my heart with what brutality YOU destroy this person.

We owe a debt of gratitude to Prof. Bhakdi

YOU, the media and their clients, know very well that Sucharit Bhakdi is not an anti-Semite. But they also know that the hate speech and anti-Semitism cudgel used publicly is the perfect form of intimidation. Punish one, teach a hundred We had that before.

And you, my Jewish fellow citizens, who initiated this new campaign, also know that Prof. Bhakdi, concerned about the consequences of a medical experiment, speaks that he was right in every warning that many people could be saved if YOU had heeded these warnings. Do you want to smother a voice that rises up against the greatest medical experiment? A voice speaking in accordance with the halakhic demarcation of the Jewish Supreme Court, with the Old Testament-based decision forbidding accepting or even promoting this injection?

To the honorable director of the University of Mainz: Why do you support an obvious agitation and contribute to a process that is so frighteningly reminiscent of the former show trials? If one does not expect historical affinity at the source of knowledge, then where?

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Prof. Bhakdi and so many decent politically persecuted people not mentioned here. This knowledge reaches everyone. The only question is when and at what price.



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