Accepted Human Experimentation!

Accepted Human Experimentation!

 August  2008

 Last Trumpet Ministries,

Never in all the history of the world have people been so willing to destroy themselves in the name of progress. 

The evil masterminds of the Illuminati, antichrist conspiracy have worked for a long time to bring about the current conditions in our world. In order to control people and enslave them, you must regulate not only the economy, education, and religion they live under, but also, on a more personal level, the food they eat, the supplements they take, and the medicines they use. 

If evil minds are in control and if people in general are taught to trust them, it becomes a simple matter to create sickness, deficiency diseases, and residual toxic reactions in order to provide a multi-billion dollar industry to treat these manufactured conditions. You can also shorten lives, reduce populations, and keep people both hooked on and intimidated by prescription medicines.

On June 7th, 2008, the FDA finally admitted that mercury (amalgam) dental fillings “may be harmful to children, pregnant women, and anyone sensitive to mercury.” (35) As an active, amateur chemist with forty-six years of experience, I can tell you that everyone is sensitive to mercury. Mercury especially attacks the nervous system and can induce autism. There is now an epidemic of autism and numerous diseases of the nervous system in our country. It is now recommended by clinics that a baby receive so many injections that by the time the child is one year old, they may have had twenty-two inoculations. (36) The preservative used in the vaccines has been thimerosal, which is a suspension of mercury. At this present time, there are 4,900 families that have filed claims with the U.S. Court of Claims, because their children became autistic after receiving immunizations. (37) Every day there are millions more being injected, and the United States has become a massive experimental death camp with human exploitation and experimentation that would rival anything going on in Germany during World War II. People always seem to have trouble facing reality until reality hits them in the face!

Another problem that has risen is that radio frequency identification chips, used in hospitals, can cause vital equipment to fail. The microchips can switch off ventilators, syringe pumps, and other devices used in life support, according to critical care physician Erik Jan van Lieshout of the University of Amersterdam. (38) 

I have known for years that high-tech identification devices and systems are strictly from Satan, designed for use in an antichrist society. The first of these systems used was the bar code, which is the basis for all subsequent systems. All full-size bar codes are based on bars or lines, and the first, middle, and last bars always have the numerical equivalent of six. Thus, every bar code has an equally spaced 666 in it. We also know that every full-sized bar code has thirteen digits. If you add together the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth digits of the bar code, then add to that three times the sum of the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and twelfth digits, the answer will always be divisible by ten. Ten is the very number of horns on the beast itself!

One more thing about high-tech equipment that is touted as progress is that it is primarily designed to be used against freedom and liberty, destroying rights and privacy. On July 8th, 2008, Paul S. Ruwaldt of the Department of Homeland Security proposed plans for a new security device to be used on all airline passengers. It is an electronic bracelet that could track their movements, hold personal information, and be triggered like a Taser to stun them into immobility. (39) 

Do we really live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, or is it the land of the deceived and the home of the depraved?

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David J. Meyer

Last Trumpet Newsletter 

August  2008


35. West Bend Daily News, Jun. 7, 2008, from MTC, Philadelphia, PA.
36. Dean St, Mary’s Health System, official brochure, Madison, WI.
37. CNN News, May 12, 2008, AP, Washington, D.C.
38. Reuters News Service, Jun. 24, 2008, by Michael Kahn, London, England, U.K.
39. WorldNetDaily, Jul. 8, 2008,


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