TRAGIC PICTURE just before the ABSOLUTE catastrophe: G7 mocks Putin - VIDEO

TRAGIC PICTURE just before the 

ABSOLUTE catastrophe: G7 mocks 

Putin - VIDEO

Doomed to disintegrate the western world - They also take Greece by the throat, which Mitsotakis made an enemy of Russia ...

G7 leaders expressed their international support for Ukraine at the Bavarian Summit!

Wanting to send a strong message of support to Ukraine, US President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the import of Russian gold before the decision was even ratified by the G7 as a whole.

This ban applies to gold that has recently been mined in Russia and not to gold that has already been sold. "It will directly hit the Russian oligarchs and the heart of Putin's war machine," Boris Johnson said.

However, the whole planet sees that sanctions are affecting Europe itself and the so-called western world in general!

In fact, in a tragic picture, which could be a circuit of international stupidity shortly before the catastrophe (possibly even missiles from Russia), the G7 leaders, who oppress their people, MOCK Russian President Putin.

Words abound! Watch the video:

In the video: Trudeau: "Getting the pose topless on the horse"




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