Australia Primary School Newsletter Envisions Microchips in Students’ Brains in 10 Years

Australia Primary School Newsletter Envisions Microchips in Students’ Brains in 10 Years

The May 26th, 2022 edition of the Preston West Primary School newsletter imagined education at the institute 10 years in the future.

From the newsletter:

In 10 years we imagine education Preston West Primary will:
• Have more buildings and development.
• Technological advances for teachers and students. Far more learning will be on a screen.
• Microchips in students brains to promote intelligence and memory.
• More mental health awareness and different styles for learning.

While the school deleted the newsletter after my report, I’ve saved a screenshot of the page that mentions the microchips.

Aren’t brain-implanted microchips a crazy conspiracy theory?

Sadly, it’s a conspiracy fact.

Neuralink is on track to begin human trials by the end of 2022.

From Teslarati:

In February 2021, Musk shared that Neuralink was working “super hard” to make its brain implant safe. He also stated that Neuralink was closely communicating with the FDA to start initial human trials later that year. However, 2021 passed with no human trials. Earlier this year, Neuralink opened jobs for a Clinical Trial Director and Clinical Trial Coordinator, which suggested that the company is closer to testings its device on humans.

Recently, Musk noted that Neuralink might be able to address morbid obesity. The first time Musk broached the topic was during his TED interview with Chris Anderson. He told Anderson that Neuralink would focus on solving brain and spinal injuries within the next decade.

“We’re working on bridging broken links between brain & body. Neuralinks in motor & Sensory cortex riding past weak/broken links in neck/spine to Neuralinks in spinal cord should theoretically be able to restore full body functionality,” Elon Musk said in response to a Teslarati article.

Musk also told Anderson that the Neuralink device could address health conditions like morbid obesity in the long run. Professor Andrew Jackson from Newcastle University — and an expert in neural interfaces — noted that Musk’s claims about Neuralink are probable. Jackson specifically stated that Neuralink implants are less invasive than other morbid obesity treatments.

How long until brain-implanted microchips are normalized into society?

Pekka Lundmark, President & CEO of Nokia, thinks technologies like smartphones will become obsolete by 2030.


“Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies,” Lundmark said.


Make no mistake; Preston West Primary School follows the WEF globalist agenda.

And many other schools around the world likely will implement the same 10-year vision.


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